Monday, December 9, 2013

Sarah and Joe's Fabulous Wedding at The Stockroom!

Joe and Sarah are really fun to work with. From the moment we met they were thrilled to be able to put together the ceremony of their dreams which included their story and the things they love and cherish about each other. We did not meet until October 13th for their December 6, 2013 wedding at The Stockroom--perilously close. A friend who was ordained on line was going to officiate for them until she found out she could not be there. So she called me to see if I was available. Luckily I was. She also did not know that North Carolina frowns on on-line ordinations and warns couples that the legality of marriages officiated by on line ordained ministers are at risk as was ruled in a court case in the 1990s and no reason to expect there would be any change in a future ruling.  So, it was a stroke of pure luck that their friend could not officiate for them and thoughtfully found someone else who could legally marry them and I am so grateful she called me!  
 A memory table of their loved ones who have passed on. 
 The menu! Garden on Millbrook was catering. Yummy, great food! 
Ashley of Ashley's Cakes arrived the same time Marty and I did and we got to watch them put this beautiful cake together. The bride and groom are avid bicyclers and the cute topper was perfect!
 Ricky, father of the groom and best man, signing the marriage license. 
Downstairs in the Mahler Art Gallery the bride and attendants were hanging out before the ceremony. The space was being readied for the cocktail hour to follow the ceremony upstairs so that the upstairs space could be turned for the reception. Our lovely bride and her maidens were ready and waiting. Did not get the name and relation of this handsome young man with the bow-tie. Likely the husband of one of the maidens. 
Sarah and her bridesmaid, Amy, created these wonderful pinecone bouquets for the bridesmaids. Sarah carried a bouquet of white hydrangea with little pinecones. The boutonnieres were made of wine bottle corks and pine cones. So crafty!
Sarah and Joe incorporated many ideas for their displays that I have seen on Pinterest! A lot of time went into the details.
These center pieces for the tables served double duty by lighting the space for the ceremony. At my recommendation, they hired Karen Harmych to be their weekend of coordinator. This was a DIY wedding but there are so many little details that need to be pulled together and a bride doing this for the first time might miss something that it would be too late to remedy on the wedding day.
So Karen was a life-saver and helped them with everything, including furnishing the candelabras and many other items needed. When one of the groomsmen had an emergency the morning of the wedding date and could not be with us, Karen adjusted the processional and everything went seamlessly. Our photographer for the wedding was Bryce Lafoon out of Wilmington. He and his crew including videographer were busy getting great shots. Our DJ was Alan Norwood from Henderson NC.
Karen has us all lined up and ready to process in. I was first in to hold the altar space and to announce to the guests to put away their cell phones and cameras at the bride and groom's request. Then I was joined one by one by the groom and best man as they escorted in their ladies. Then the attendants came in as couples. That is Joe's grandmother waiting to be escorted in.
Then it was time for Sam, father of the bride, to escort in his beautiful daughter, Sarah!
And so we begin. Nice to notice the absence of cell phones being held up by the guests. We started with a warm welcome to everyone, then a prayer, a tribute to their parents, and then remembrance of their loved ones not there.
Then it was time for their story. Joe and Sarah, like many modern couples, met on Sarah had been on and off the internet dating scene for about 3 years or so. Joe had recently signed up after seeing a special discount for on television.
When Sarah spotted Joe's profile she was intrigued that he was a bike rider for fun, had lived in VA where she is from, and was active in organizations to help the less fortunate. He was also wearing one of those cute little spandex outfits bikers wear!
So, she winked at him and they emailed a while then met for the first time on July 3, 2012 at the Village Grill at LaFayette Village and their lives changed forever. After 3 dates, Joe cancelled his membership but Sarah held out for 3 more months, probably just to aggravate Joe!
Joe is passionate about biking so he helped Sarah find a bicycle and taught her all the ins and outs of operation. Then they went on a century ride, Cap2Cap, from Richmond to Williamsburg and back, 100 miles. And, although not easy at all, they made it and shared that great victory!
Joe proposed on February 22, 2103. He took Sarah to Second Empire and surprised her by having the waiter bring out a covered platter for their desserts. When he lifted the cover, Sarah saw the ring and Joe said "Sweetie, I love you so much. You are the love of my life, the lady of my dreams, the most beautiful girl ever, will you please marry me?" And we know she said yes!
They made their vows to each other by reading words they had written to each other from my book. Then exchanged rings.
Their friend, Amanda, sang The Lord's Prayer. She has a beautiful, sweet voice and it was perfect!
 The pronouncement of marriage.......
 The KISS! 
 Here they are for the first time as husband and wife! 
 Joe had been quite nervous at the beginning of the ceremony. 
All that nervousness is gone now! Time to party! 
Sarah and Joe, what a wonderful wedding! I thought your attention to detail was amazing. You are on your honeymoon to Jamaica right now but I know you check your email and Facebook often so enjoy re-living your wedding through this blog post! You are the best and I wish you all the happiness in the world!
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