Thursday, December 19, 2013

Anne and Alan's Wonderful Wedding at Campbell Lodge!

Anne and Alan's wedding is one of those rare weddings in which I knew the bride and groom before they knew each other and have had the privilege of being friends with them and watching their friendship blossom into romance. It was over 11 years ago that they met one Sunday at the same church I attend, Unity Church of the Triangle in Raleigh. They found each other very easy to talk to, very intelligent and both had been raised Catholic. There was an instant mutual attraction. Their first date was on Alan's birthday, December 11th in 2002. Fast forward to December 14, 2013 a few days after his birthday this year and their wedding at the Campbell Lodge in Durant Park.
We took photos before the ceremony, so here is the wedding party posing for their picture but we are missing Bob, the best man! He was probably off dancing somewhere. He was a terrific dancer and practically spent the whole reception on the dance floor!  Their friend Walt Johnston was taking pictures for them.
Their wedding cake was made by a friend. The musical notes are symbolic of the musical talents of both our bride and groom.  
This little cutie is Shannon. I believe I heard someone say that he is the grand nephew of Alan. He spent a lot of time on the dance floor too. He was fascinated with the West Street Band with keyboardist Kenni Hairston you can see in the background. They were a great dance band and the dance floor was full most of the time during the reception.
 Are we ready, guys? 
I went in solo to first make an announcement at the couple's request for the guests to put away their cell phones and cameras and be with us fully in their hearts while the professional photographer got the images. Then Alan and his men followed. That is Karen Harmych in the back cueing them in. Karen is my go-to "rescue" wedding planner/director. When Anne and Alan were feeling completely overwhelmed with their DIY wedding, I convinced them to call in Karen to pull it all together and make sure nothing was overlooked. Thanks, Karen, you did a terrific job, as usual!
Anne's brother, Walter, escorted her in. Her father unfortunately passed away a year or so ago and her mother was unable to travel to the wedding to be with us.
Anne and Alan and I had fun putting their story together. The funniest part was when Anne was out shopping one day and saw a wedding dress she loved. She called Alan and asked "Do you still want to marry me?" They had discussed marriage before and Alan had conceded that he did want to marry her but she just wanted to be sure. He said "yes, buy the dress!" And then they contacted me to coordinate a wedding date! And her dress was absolutely perfect for her!
 Alan requested that we include the lovely words of Khalil Gibran "On Marriage" from The Prophet.
 They made their vows to each other.
 They exchanged rings. 
 The big pronouncement of marriage! 
 The kiss!!! 
 The new Mr. and Mrs.! 
Anne's mother's sister reached out to give her a pat. So sweet! I know Anne was touched by that.
Dave and I stayed for this reception. I usually don't because I typically don't know anyone but the couple and Dave, if he is assisting me, does not even know the couple. But this was an exception. In fact about half the choir I sing in was there! It was a lot of fun. Tarbouch, Mediterranean Cuisine, catered and it was delicious. I got to dance once with Bob, the best man, too! As well as Dave! Karen snapped this photo and the two below with her cell phone.
 Karen, Anne and me. 
Anne and Alan having a fun time on the dance floor! I think that is Bob and I on the left of them.
Anne and Alan, what a great wedding! You pulled it off! It was fantastic working with you and even better joining the two of you in marriage. Thanks for giving me the honor!

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