Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cakewalk Desserts

Hello, a pie and a stick? Finally!  These yummy pies are made by Cakewalk Dessert.  They specialize in pie pops, mini pies & more.

Pie pops are available with solid or patterned crusts! Pie flavors include Apple, Cherry, Blackberry, Blueberry, Strawberry, Chocolate Cream, Key Lime, Pecan, Pumpkin and Peach.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Just Married Wines

Image Via Swanson Vineyards
I can't wait to serve these wines at one of my weddings and events!  Swanson Vineyards Just Married wedding wine was inspired by a sweet and sentimental ritual in the Swanson family…To commemorate the wedding of each of Clarke Swanson’s girls, he made special wine in their honor, to be served at their wedding reception and dinner.  

For the wine lovers in your life,  Swanson's creative gift packs make really sweet thank you gifts or wedding presents. Check out their website for more information and the full story behind the wine itself. Salud!